Accufit in Burlington, MA

What is accufit?

Accufit is a FDA approved, noninvasive body contouring device that works by targeting safe,
electrical stimulation of muscles. Unlike other devices that use magnetic energy, Accufit
uses multi directional targeted electrical stimulation to produce leaner, stronger muscles
compared to the competitors. This treatment is great for everyone who wants to tone and
get lean muscle & muscle definition is achieved.

How does Accufit work?

The device applicators are connected via gel stickers to your abdomen or buttox in a specific
pattern to elicit natural muscle movement and contraction during the treatment. You will feel
a mild tensing of the muscle similar to a flexion sensation. There’s no pain involved in the

How many treatments of Actifed do I need to get results?

The number of treatments you need depends on your general health and body mass index

What is the maintenance protocol for Accufit?

Toning your muscles requires maintenance and repeated exercise or stimulation. Our body muscle tone needs consistent work and this therapy is most effective if you continue throughout the year and couple it with a healthy diet and regular exercise program.
After your initial series, we recommend monthly treatments for ideal results. For example, you
would complete the initial treatment within two weeks and repeat a single session once a
month thereafter.

How soon will I see results?

Muscle toning results depend on your initial body mass index and how fit you are at the beginning
of your treatment. Most people will begin to see a flatter, more toned, abdomen or buttox
after the second treatment.

Are there any side effects to Accufit?

There are no side effects to Accufit. Some people experience mild soreness the day after the
procedure, but this is uncommon. Accufit is not indicated for patients with pacemakers or
other internal electronic devices.

Request an Appointment today


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Monday – 10:00AM -5:00PM
Tuesday – 9:00AM -5:00PM
Wednesday – 11:00AM -6:00PM
Thursday – 11:00AM -6:00PM
Saturday – 9:00AM -2:00PM By Appointment Only


Located within Dental Care of Burlington

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